Since its foundation, ZECHA has remained true to its own core competencies and has constantly developed and optimized itself.
Production of PCB Drills commenced with 5000 sq. feet & 15 people
Installed first CNC Grinder

Completed expansion.
20.000 sq.
70 employees
Started trading of machine tool accessories from Switzerland and Germany
Installed Saacke UW1F & Zoller Extended Range to Ø16mm. Capacity expansion over size range by another 25%
Number of employees: 120
Dagger Master renamed to Zecha Precision Tools Limited.
Zecha Precision Tools Ltd and Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal India Pvt. Ltd comes together to offer regrinding solutions locally. This was announced at the Die & Mould India expo organized by TOOL AND GAUGE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION - INDIA, scheduled at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre.